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Company Formation Slovakia



Types of Slovak Companies

Updated on Tuesday 05th March 2024

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Types of Companies in Slovakia
Foreign investors who come to Slovakia with the purposes of opening companies must comply with the requirements imposed by the Company Act. This law allows them to conduct business operations here under the same conditions as local entrepreneurs by setting up various types of structures.
Several types of companies can be established in Slovakia, according to the needs and possibilities of the owners. Each type of legal structure has its own particularities and our Slovak experts in company formation matters can advise you upon the most suited type for your business needs.
With a vast experience in company formation in Slovakia, our local specialists can help foreign investors set up any type of business form in accordance with their needs. 
 Quick Facts  
 Applicable legislation

The Company Act is the main law providing for the available types of companies in Slovakia

Availability of sole proprietorships (YES/NO)

YES, it is possible to create
sole proprietorships in Slovakia

Availability of partnerships (YES/NO)

YES, this business form can take two forms: general partnership and limited partnership 
Availability of limited liability companies (YES/NO) 

The private limited liability company and the joint stock company are the two types of entities that can be registered in Slovakia

Options of foreign companies Foreign companies can set up Slovak
branches and subsidiaries
Share capital requirements

The minimum share capital for a private company is established at EUR 5,000, while for the joint stock corporation the minimum amount required is EUR 25,000. No specific capital is required for other business forms

of sole traders

The sole trader is created by a single entrepreneur, who usually has a liberal profession. This type of entity does not have a legal personality

Requirements to create partnerships Partnerships must have a minimum of two participants and are a hybrid between sole traders and companies 
Limited liability companies registration requirements These types of Slovak companies are subject to complex registration formalities with the Trade Register
Taxation of sole traders The sole trader is subject to the personal income tax
of 15% or 25% 
Taxation of partnerships  Participants in partnerships will also pay the personal income tax for the earnings they make from the partnership
Taxation of limited liability companies  Companies are subject to the corporate
tax levied at a rate of 21%
Business registration timeframe The timeframe to register a company in Slovakia is approximately 10 business days
Special requirements for foreign investors/entrepreneurs Foreign investors/entrepreneurs from non-EU countries must obtain residence permits for moving and starting a business in Slovakia
Company formation services availability (YES/NO) YES, we offer support for the incorporation of any type of Slovak company 
 Most popular types of companies in Slovakia Private and public limited liability companies. 

 Most employed legal form by foreign investors

 The private limited liability company (SRO).

 Full foreign ownership availability (YES/NO)

 Yes, full foreign ownership is available no matter the type of company created.

 Possibility for foreign companies to act as shareholders (YES/NO)  Yes.
 Simplest type of company to incorporate

The Slovak private limited liability company. 

 Local manager required (YES/NO)

 No, with the exception of branches which must have a local manager.

 Local legal address required (YES/NO)

 Yes, for all types of entities.

 Types of joint stock companies

Private and public joint stock company. 

 Possibility to set up a holding company in Slovakia (YES/NO)


 Possibility for foreigners to operate as sole traders in Slovakia (YES/NO)  Yes, provided they have Slovak residency.
 Option to create liaison offices for foreign companies (YES/NO)

 Yes, the representative office is an option for foreign companies seeking to test the Slovak market.

 Tax registration requirement


 Specific licensing requirements (YES/NO)

 Yes, for regulated, craft, and unregulated trade.

 Mandatory registration with the Trade Register for all business types

Yes, for all business forms. 

 Online business registration option (YES/NO) Yes, companies can be registered online in Slovakia. 

The Company Law in Slovakia

Starting a business in Slovakia implies respecting the legislation imposed by the authorities in this country. The first step related to setting up a company is to choose a suitable type of company and then make sure the investor respects the legal requirements when it comes to the registration of that specific business form.
The main law which provides for the registration of any type of company in Slovakia is the Company Act. It covers the following:
  • - the business forms which can be registered by natural persons and corporations;
  • - the number of shareholders and company management requirements for each business form;
  • - the obligation of choosing a unique trade name and having a registered address in Slovakia;
  • - the share capital requirements for each business form covered by the law;
  • - the obligation of registering the company with the tax authorities and obtaining specific permits;
  • - the obligation of registering any company, no matter its form, with the Trade Register.
The Company Law also provides for the rights and obligations of the Trade Registrar in Slovakia.
Our experts in company registration in Slovakia can offer detailed information about the Company Law and its requirements when it comes to incorporating a business. We can also assist with the EORI registration procedure in Slovakia.
You can also rely on our agents if you want to open a SPV (special purpose vehicle) in Slovakia. This type of business is used to isolate the risks of a parent company in relation to certain operations carrying various financial hazards.

The main types of companies in Slovakia are presented in the infographic below:

Types of Slovak Companies


The main types of companies according to Company Law in Slovakia

According to the law, the following types of companies are available for registration in Slovakia:
  • - the sole proprietorship or the sole trader which is the simplest business form in this country;
  • - the partnership which can be general or limited and must be made up of at least two participants;
  • - the limited liability company which can be private or public, depending on the size of the business;
  • - the branch office and the subsidiary which are available for foreign companies seeking to enter the Slovak market.
A special type of structure for foreign companies is the representative or liaison office, however, this is not regarded as a commercial entity because it cannot undertake such economic activities. It is also possible to set up non-profits organizations, associations, and clubs, however, these are not recognized by the Commercial Code.
Our company registration advisors in Slovakia can offer detailed information about each type of company and can help foreign entrepreneurs select the suitable legal entity in accordance with their needs.

The sole proprietorship in Slovakia

The sole proprietorship (živnostník) is a type of business managed and owned by a single investor with unlimited liability. The registration costs are minimal and the duration of the process doesn’t exceed one week. This type of business may not be sold, unlike the companies.

The limited liability company in Slovakia

The limited liability company in Slovakia (Spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným) is a company based on a share capital of 5,000 Euro and can be founded by at least one shareholder (maximum 50). The management of the limited liability company in Slovakia is assured by an Executive appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders. A Supervisory board can also be appointed. For more information about the particularities of limited liability companies in Slovakia, you can rely on our team of specialists in company incorporation matters.
We remind you that you can also rely on us for guidance should you decide to open a SPV in Slovakia under the form of a private limited liability company.

The joint stock company in Slovakia


Joint Stock Company in Slovakia (Akciová spoločnosť) is a type of company designed for a large business. The minimum share capital is 25,000 Euro divided into stocks. A joint stock company can perform business activities only after the registration with the Commercial Registry.

There are two types of joint stock companies: public or private.
A public joint stock company has a part of its shares listed on a stock market from members of the European Economic Area. These shares are freely transferable unlike the shares of a private joint stock company. A public joint stock company may be transformed into a private joint stock company if the shareholders decide so during a General Meeting. A reserve fund must be created and consists of 10% of the joint stock company’s capital. The management of the joint stock company is assured by the general meeting of the shareholders, the board of directors and the supervisory board. The number of Directors may be stated in the Articles of Incorporation. The Supervisory Board must consist of at least three members.
The joint stock enterprise can also be used to open a SPV company in Slovakia.

The general partnership in Slovakia

A Slovakian General Partnership (verejná obchodná spoločnosť) is no different from the rest of the general partnerships around the world. The partners are equally liable for the company’s debts even with their own personal assets. All the decisions are equally taken by the partners unless it’s stipulated differently in the Articles of Incorporation.
The limited partnership (komanditná spoločnosť) in Slovakia is a rare form of partnership. It is based on a partnership agreement between two or more partners, called the general partners and the silent partners. The silent partners must make a contribution to the share capital of at least 250 Euro. Their liability is in the limit of their contribution. The general partners are not required to make an initial contribution and have unlimited liability and decisional power. 

The shelf company and the holding company in Slovakia

Registered as limited liability companies, shelf companies and holdings are very popular in Slovakia.
The shelf company, also known as a ready-made company, is already registered and can be bought by local and foreign entrepreneurs interested in starting a business in a fast manner. Shelf companies have many advantages, among which a registered address, a bank account, a tax, and a VAT number. This means that from a legal point of view, the shelf company is ready to start operating as soon as it was purchased.
Once bought, the shelf company must undergo certain changes which can be effectuated by the new owner. Among these, the shareholding structure, the management structure, the registered address, and even the trade name can be changed.
Another business form which is usually set up by foreign companies is the holding company. A Slovak holding company can be created with the purpose of owning shares or assets in other companies. The holding company offers tax advantages most of the times, being a proper tax minimization solution.
Our local advisors can help foreign investors interested in acquiring shelf companies or setting up holding companies in Slovakia.

Setting up a branch office in Slovakia


The branch office is a satellite of a foreign company which can operate in Slovakia. In order to open such business form, a foreign company is required to complete a few formalities, among which filing a set of documents with the Companies Register and obtaining the necessary licenses with the competent authorities.
The main characteristics of a branch office in Slovakia are:
  • - it depends entirely on the foreign company establishing it, meaning it cannot take any management decisions;
  • - it is quite easy to create and has low setup and maintenance costs;
  • - its activities are limited to those of the parent company and must be sanctioned by it;
  • - it can repatriate the profits under the double tax treaties signed by Slovakia.
The establishment of a branch office in Slovakia is often suitable to companies in the financial sector. Also, companies from both EU and non-EU countries will find it easy to open this type of company in Slovakia.

The Slovak subsidiary company


Another business form suitable for foreign companies is the subsidiary. This will usually take the form of a limited liability company and will imply depositing the same share capital as a Slovak company. Compared to the branch office, the subsidiary will be independent of the parent company and will be able to carry out other activities than the parent company. Nevertheless, it will still be controlled by a foreign company.
It is easy to open a subsidiary in Slovakia, and our local company incorporation agents can offer more information on the establishment of such a business entity.

Documents needed to open a company in Slovakia

The following set of documents need to be provided to the Trade Register in Slovakia in order to register any type of company:
  • - the Memorandum and Articles of Association, which must be drafted in Slovak and notarized;
  • - information about the company’s shareholders and managers or directors;
  • - information about the legal address of the company – every company registered here must have a registered address in Slovakia in order to be deemed a resident;
  • - information about the share capital of the company in accordance with the requirements imposed by the law.
In the case of sole traders, a simple registration form must be filed with the Companies Register. In the case of foreign companies, their incorporation documents together with their certificates of registration must be provided upon the opening of branches, subsidiaries or representative offices.
Our Slovak company formation consultants can help foreign investors who want to set up businesses in this country. We offer full assistance in incorporating any type of company, and we can also offer support in tax registration, as well as business consulting services.

Company formation steps in Slovakia


No matter the type of company selected, there are specific steps which need to be followed when opening a company in Slovakia. The first step is to reserve the company, which as mentioned earlier, must be unique. In order to ensure its uniqueness, the entrepreneur can reserve up to 3 names.
Then, the company’s Articles of Association must be drafted and notarized by a public notary in Slovakia.
Next, the future business owner must open the company’s bank account and deposit the share capital, followed by obtaining a receipt from the bank that the share capital was deposited. It should be noted that at least 30% of the share capital must be submitted prior to company registration in Slovakia when it comes to limited liability companies.
A certificate indicating that the shareholders have no debts must also be obtained from the tax authorities, and then the company registration procedure can begin with the Trade Register. This implies submitting the documents and obtaining the business license and tax number.
The last step in registering a company in Slovakia is to obtain a VAT number and register for social security purposes.
Please watch our video on the types of companies which can be opened in Slovakia:

Business licensing in Slovakia

An important process when setting up any type of company in Slovakia is obtaining the necessary licenses and authorizations for operating. The business license is issued after the registration with the Companies Registrar takes place, however other special permits can be required based on the activities carried out by the company.
For example, companies operating in the food and beverages sector must obtain a special license for preparing and handling food, respectively for selling beverages. Companies operating in tourism or the IT sectors must also apply for special licenses with the authorities in the respective industries.
You can also rely on us if you need specific information on how to apply for business licenses needed in industries like information technology, finances, and manufacturing – some of the most prolific economic sectors in Slovakia.
When opening a business in Slovakia it is very important to decide from the beginning of the best type of company to operate under. Our local agents can help foreign investors choose the suited type of entity, based on their requirements and will also help them with the incorporation and licensing procedures.
Please note that if you want to open a SPV in Slovakia, it may need specific licenses to carry out its activities.


What to consider when choosing the type of company to register in Slovakia

As a foreign investor, there are various aspects to take into account before choosing the legal structure of the entity you will register in Slovakia. Among the most important ones are:
  • - your liability as a business owner;
  • - the share capital you need to consider;
  • - the taxes you and/or your company will pay;
  • - if you qualify for business incentives/exemptions/deductions/reductions.
Let’s analyse each aspect in order to choose the Slovak type of company in accordance with your goals.
When it comes to liability, the sole trader and general partnership incur higher risks, as if the business fails, you will be liable for its debts and obligation with your personal belongings. However, this will not happen in the case of:
  • - a private limited liability company;
  • - a joint stock company;
  • - a limited partnership where you are a limited/silent partner.


In terms of financial requirements, the main aspect to consider is whether you need to deposit a specific share capital or not. Such a condition is imposed for limited liability companies only, however, you also need to pay attention and calculate the necessary amounts for the other types of businesses. From this point of view, you should:
  1. consider the business startup costs of a sole proprietorship and partnership;
  2. consider the administrative costs of these entities.
You can rely on our Slovak accountants from this point of view.
If you want to open a SPV company in Slovakia, you can count on our specialists for guidance.

Taxation of businesses in Slovakia

Taxation is one of the most important aspects that can make you decide for one or another type of company in Slovakia.  From this point of view, legal entities are divided into:
  • - sole traders and partnerships that are levied at individual level;
  • - companies that are applied the corporate tax.
Slovak sole traders and members of partnerships are subject to the personal income tax, as follows:
  • - 19% for an annual income up to EUR 47,537;
  • - 25% for an annual income EUR 47,537;
  • - in their case, business activity is taxed separately at a lower rate of 15% if the annual taxable value does not exceed EUR 60,000.
Companies are imposed an income tax of 21%, however, a lower rate of 15% is also available for businesses with revenue below EUR 60,000 starting with January 1st 2024.
Another change occurring from 2024 is the reintroduction of the tax license which is levied at fixed rates based on a minimum threshold established on the taxable income of a company, as follows:
  • - for a revenue under EUR 50,000, a EUR 340 fee is applied;
  • - for a taxable income between EUR 50,000 and EUR 250,000, a EUR 960 fee is levied;
  • - for taxable income between EUR 250,000 and EUR 500,000, a EUR 1,920 fee is applicable.
  • - for a revenue of EUR 500,000 and above, a EUR 3,840 is imposed.


You can find out about the most recent changes in tax legislation from our company registration agents in Slovakia or from the Financial Administration.
With respect to the tax incentives a business can take advantage of, these are usually granted based on the industry a company operates in. However, Slovakia offers plenty of such benefits.
Do not hesitate to contact us for personalized company registration services in Slovakia. Our specialists in company formation in Slovakia can provide you with assistance whether you want to expand your business in this country or you want to open a new company here.

Partner: Firmengründung in Slowakei , Company Formation Poland, Company Formation HungaryРегистрация фирм Словакия

Meet us in Slovakia

Call us now at +421 915 980 808 to set up an appointment with our consultants, who are handling company formation in Slovakia. Alternatively you can incorporate your company without traveling to Slovakia.

As our client, you will benefit from the joint expertize of local accountants and international consultants. Together we will be able to offer you the specialized help you require for your business start-up in Slovakia.

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My clients were interested in starting a branch office in Slovakia. The team of specialists at CompanyFormationSlovakia.com was very helpful, offering us complete guidance.

Mihai Cuc, Partner of MHC Law Firm

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